This is a call to actively participate in cultivating what God has been doing in our midst, allowing Him to grow His Church for the future. It is a call to CULTIVATE our lives and community through the gospel, inspiring radical generosity for Kingdom work.
From the Pastor
What an adventure we have been on over the last several years here at Oviedo City Church! Since we embarked on the journey to secure our own building and permanent home, we have witnessed God doing incredible things among us—more than we could have asked or imagined!
As we continue to grow, we are seeing more people discovering a deeper relationship with Jesus. Alongside this growth come practical needs: loving people well and ensuring there's room for everyone who wants to connect at OCC.
Despite the challenges of growth, we eagerly anticipate what lies ahead. Together, we are stepping into the future, committed to living out our mission of enjoying Jesus and making disciples who make disciples—a gospel-focused future becoming a church that plants churches.
Serving with you,
Pete Geiger
Lead Pastor, Oviedo City Church

Our Journey
At OCC, we have seen God’s faithfulness in every season. Nearly 20 years ago, we began as a campus of Northland Church with the vision of being the presence of Jesus in our community. Though we became an independent local church at the beginning of 2019, that vision remains unchanged. God has positioned us to serve as a catalyst for planting Gospel-focused churches both locally and globally. With great expectancy and passion, OCC eagerly anticipates witnessing God's work in the coming months and years as we proclaim the Good News of Jesus, relying on the Spirit's guidance to fulfill this Kingdom mission for His glory.
Our Present
As we have transitioned into operating our ministry out of our new home, we have been blessed to experience significant growth and momentum.
138% Increase in average attendance
Our Challenge
This growth has brought us such joy as we hear stories of lives transformed by the Gospel. However, it also brings new challenges. From a shortage of parking space to effectively accommodating and nurturing our congregation, we face various hurdles. Yet, these challenges present an exciting opportunity for ministry expansion and to advance our vision as a church that plants churches, sending people out to do vital Gospel work.

Our Opportunity
As God has brought this season of growth to us, we move forward in Faith as we take our next steps to reach more people for Jesus. We are committed to witnessing every individual at OCC stepping onto the pathway of discipleship, becoming better equipped for our mission. Our aim is to cultivate a Gospel Culture that enables us to be a catalyst for planting Gospel-focused churches in our city and around the world.

Our Plan
Over the next 3 years we will seek to raise $2.5 million to invest in three strategic areas, maximizing our kingdom impact.

Next Steps
You can join us in cultivating what the Lord is doing in our midst by doing three specific things:

Join us as we seize the momentum and growth we are experiencing at OCC! It’s time to cultivate what God has been doing in our midst, empowering us to embrace His calling and advance His Church for the future. We step out in faith, knowing that it is the transformative power of the gospel that changes lives, igniting a spirit of generosity within us for His Kingdom.
Will you stand with us in prayer and preparation as we seek to plant seeds for the future of OCC and take the bold step of planting our very first church so that we might reach more people for Jesus?
Why Now?
God is doing amazing things through Oviedo City Church, evidenced by our extraordinary growth over the last several years. As God continues this season of expansion, we move forward in faith, taking our next steps to reach more people for Jesus. Amidst this significant momentum, we recognize it’s time to cultivate what God is doing, allowing Him to grow His Church for the future. Now is the moment for us to join in this Kingdom work with the same generous heart God has shown us!
What is the timeline for Cultivate?
“Cultivate” is a three-year initiative. The goal is to raise $2.5 million by September 2027 to invest in three strategic areas that will allow us to make the most kingdom impact.
How much are we looking to raise?
We are seeking to raise a total of $2.5 million, broken down in the following ways:
$400,000 to mitigate our current parking challenges by adding a new lot that doubles as a recreational field for students.
$1,800,000 for debt reduction. This would free up $185,000 per year in our annual budget to be utilized for future ministry opportunities and save $1.3 million in interest.
$300,000 for church planting. These funds would establish seed money to strategically propel our mission forward as catalysts for planting gospel-focused churches.
Will my commitment be made public?
No. Your individual commitment will remain completely confidential.
How much should I give?
We are asking folks to make two commitments: (1) A three-year giving commitment and (2) a one-time sacrificial offering in order to expedite the work on the parking lot.
Everyone’s gift will be different. It’s important to remember this journey is about equal sacrifice, not equal giving. Seek God and His heart for how He’s asking you to specifically partner with us on this journey. Listen to what He is saying to you about stepping out in faith.
When should I give?
We have designated September 29th as Commitment Sunday. On this day, we will be asking individuals and families to turn in Commitment Cards that represent what they are pledging to donate, both initially and over the next three years. Please plan to give your initial gift at that time.
If you miss Commitment Sunday, or come to call OCC your home church at a future time, there is always an open invitation to participate in Cultivate. This is not just a fundraising effort, but a spiritual journey in sacrifice for our whole congregation. We want everyone to be a part of cultivating what God is doing in our midst. Commitment Cards are available at the Welcome Desk and on our website.
How can I give?
The easiest way to give is through our normal online giving portal.
Is there a way for me to give non-cash donations?
Yes. We can receive stocks, investments, personal property and more. Please contact our Finance Director, April Mae, for details: April@oviedocity.church.
Do I have to give everything at once or over time?
You can give your gift weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually or all at once- whatever works best for you!
Should I direct my regular giving to Cultivate?
No. Your gift should be above and beyond your regular tithe. Your regular giving is what supports our current ongoing ministry and operations of the church. Cultivate commitments will be used towards parking expansion, debt reduction and church planting.
Where can I get more information about Cultivate?
We will be providing regular updates on www.oviedocity.church/cultivate. There will also be periodic updates through email and our social media channels, so be sure you’re subscribed and connected!