Women’s Ministry
Women Discipling Women
Women’s Ministry is united with OCC's vision and heart: to enjoy Jesus and to make disciples who make disciples. This vision is central to all we do as women: to grow in Christ and community with each other.
The Gathering
The Gathering meets on the last Monday of every month and includes fellowship, dessert, worship, and teaching. Doors open at 6:00 p.m., and we begin at 6:30 p.m. Our 2025 series is The Glorious Gospel (At Work in Us and Through Us), a study in the Book of Romans. John Calvin wrote, “When anyone understands this Epistle, he has a passage opened to him to the understanding of the whole Scripture.” We can’t wait to dive in together!
Celebrating Past Events
2024 Women’s Retreat
Eighty women gathered for our retreat March 1-3. It was an encouraging time of fellowship, worship, and teaching! Next year’s retreat is already in the planning phase. We are so excited to see what God has in store for 2025!
Current and Upcoming Events
3.31 The Glorious Gospel Saves Us Part 1
4.28 The Glorious Gospel Saves Us Part 2
5.19 The Glorious Gospel Frees Us
6.30 The Glorious Gospel Holds Us
7.28 Summer Dinner
8.25 The Glorious Gospel Humbles Us
9.29 The Glorious Gospel Transforms Us
10.27 The Glorious Gospel Sends Us

Kortnie Heying
Women’s Ministry Director
Worship and Arts Director
Along with leading worship at OCC, leading women is a true pleasure and calling. Through women’s ministry, my desire is to teach the Bible and develop leaders while trusting the Lord to grow in us, a strong biblical faith and community through gathering together with discipleship intentionality. Myself and the leadership team of Women’s Ministry strive to help women learn, connect, serve and receive care in ways that undergird the mission of Oviedo City Church. If you have any questions or would like to connect, please contact me at, kortnie@oviedocity.church.