Here at OCC, our mission is to help you know God more fully and grow in your relationship with Jesus. We are a church that loves serving our community and making a difference in the lives of the people around us. People often tell us OCC feels like home, and that is something we hold dear to our hearts.
Welcome to Oviedo City Church!
We’re so glad you’re here.
Plan Your Visit
Choose a service time: 8am, 9:30am or 11:15am.
Plan to arrive 10 -15 minutes before service starts to enjoy the coffee bar.
Be sure to grab a blue Welcome Bag in the foyer!
If you have kids, stop by the OCC Kids Check-In Desk. Ages 5 and under go directly to their classrooms. All other students worship with their families before being dismissed to their classrooms.
Feel free to introduce yourself to one of the team members wearing a blue Oviedo City Church shirt!
We would love to get to know you better and learn how we can best serve you.
When you’re ready, here are next steps of connection:
Connect Card
Filling out a connect card is the easiest way for us to get you information specific to your interests. Click the button below. We look forward to serving you!
Newcomers Dessert
Join us for our next Newcomers Dessert at the home of our Lead Pastor. It’s a casual evening, with other new folks and various staff that gives us a chance to get to know one another!
Know Grow Go
This class is designed to help you learn more about our visions, plans and beliefs. This is a two hour class held several times a year. Lunch and childcare are provided. Click below to learn more.
Join a Small Group
To grow in your relationship with Jesus, being in community with other believers is essential. Click below to learn more about Small Groups at OCC.
Stay Connected
We have three identical services on Sunday morning, 8:00am, 9:30am and 11:15am. The service generally lasts 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Because we have people from all kinds of backgrounds you will see all kinds of styles. From jackets and dresses to shorts and flips flops. Come as you are!
Great! Lots of us don’t. We understand what it is like to show up not knowing much. Our Lead Pastor didn’t grow up in the church either.
You can find our Statement of Faith here.
Yes! We have programs for infants all the way through high school.
Infants-Kindergarten get signed in and go directly to their classrooms. Both you and your child get a coded sticker. During pickup, your child’s teacher will ensure your security sticker matches theirs.
Children in elementary school also get signed in when you arrive. Both you and your child get a coded sticker. You then take them into the Worship Center with you where they experience the joy of worship with adults and other kids. Before the sermon begins, they are dismissed, with their teachers, to their classrooms for age appropriate lessons. Following service, you can pick them up at their classrooms. Your child’s teacher will ensure your security sticker matches theirs.
Middle school and high school students are dismissed for their programs following worship, just as the grade school students, but do not need to be signed in. Middle and High School student programs are available during the 9:30am and 11:15am services.