Oviedo City Church Missions is a catalyst for planting Gospel-focused churches in our city and around the world.
…in our city
The first mission field we are called to is our community. Oviedo is a growing and diverse city that needs the love of Christ. Through the events we hold, our local partners, and our small groups, Jesus’ heart for the lost is displayed. As a result of the heart Christ has given us, we are able to love the people of our city while pointing them to the greatest love, Jesus himself.

…around the world
In the same breath that Christ calls us to our immediate community, He also calls us to the “ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). At Oviedo City Church, our heart in global missions is defined by long term relationships with either the local church already present or with partners that have the goal of planting local churches in unreached areas led by the people of the region. We are one kingdom of many nations, and we work towards the day it will truly be one kingdom of “all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

At Oviedo City Church, we understand that our church does not exist in isolation from other churches and other ministries. Our town of Oviedo and the world beyond needs people and ministries of different callings and strengths to meet others in their specific needs and varied environments. We partner with people, churches, and organizations both locally and globally that are near to our heart for missions and that even provide opportunities for our members that are outside the capacity of OCC. We are a church, and through these partnerships we are able to walk alongside others and participate in part of the church.
The Sharing Center
Through the Sharing Center’s beautiful heart for those facing difficult circumstances, they “address immediate needs, as well as provide extended support through programs that lead those experiencing poverty toward a better future and long-term stability” of those in the Longwood & Seminole County. We get to come alongside them in this mission by financially supporting and volunteering. At the Sharing Center, our church has the opportunity for parents to bring their children with them, to come as a family, and safely serve. The family is the first place a child experiences discipleship, and for that child to be able to see their parents serve while getting to serve with them is a beautiful part of that journey.
Life to Life Ministry
There are multiple colleges in the vicinity of Oviedo, and the Life to Life Ministry led by Thomas and Tara Gilbert works towards advancing the Gospel on these campuses through intentional, “life to life” discipleship. They faithfully seek to make disciples that make disciples amongst the lives of those who will be our future.
Samaritan Resource Center
At the Samaritan Resource Center, multiple churches and organizations have partnered to create and support a place “to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty, by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of those in East Orange County who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness”. Small groups have the opportunity here to volunteer together or donate to a mission that fall near to the heart of our church and churches throughout East Orlando.
Life Prep Ministries
Life Prep Ministries specifically seeks to reach the hearts of high school seniors preparing to leave for college. In this turbulent time of their lives, Jack and Liz Gritter provide these students with practical skills for living independently while beautifully teaching how to live dependently on God.
Pioneers has a deep heart for the unreached. They “partner with local churches to make disciples and initiate church-planting movements among unreached peoples”. Through Pioneers, we have been able to support church planters internationally with both finances and teams to assist those in the midst of their work.
Christ’ Hope International
Christ’s Hope works in many places, and our church has specifically supported a care center in Eswatini over multiple years. This is one our church’s longest relationships, so we have had the privilege of supporting the care center of Eswatini through the tumultuous times of that area as they “ empower orphaned and vulnerable children to break the cycles of extreme poverty, AIDS, and spiritual brokenness through family-based care and discipleship in Jesus Christ”.
The Pregnancy Center
Every 20 seconds in the U.S., a baby is lost to abortion. That adds up to 1.2 million lives lost each year. More than 90,000 of those abortions take place in Florida, and about 13,000 of those happen right here in the greater Orlando area. But YOU can change that! When you choose to partner with The Pregnancy Center, your support empowers Central Florida women and men to choose life for their unborn babies and to find love and hope in Christ. The Pregnancy Center is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
IsleGo Missions
As students continue to see more and more the scope and the heart of missions, a wonderful opportunity they have in their journey is an international trip with our partner IsleGo. IsleGo ministers to locations throughout the Caribbean and South America. Two of our members, Dusty and Corrine Cooper have headed this ministry for more than forty years. They are committed to serving in ways that are needed while sharing the Gospel that is desperately needed by all. Students have the opportunity to go on a trip to Jamaica with IsleGo each summer. A foreign culture with a familiar language is a wonderful opportunity for learning, discipleship, and serving.