OCC Kids


Welcome to OCC Kids!

OCC Kids is centered on helping parents to disciple their children to love God and to love others.

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Tuesday Nights

During the school year grade school students (1st-5th grade) are invited to attend a weekly Bible study on Tuesday evenings. We meet from 6:30-8pm, with a dinner option beginning at 5:30pm. We will be digging into Scripture learning Who God is, that we are important to God, and that He has a plan for our life.

Questions? Contact renee@oviedocity.church

We believe that children can KNOW God intimately, GROW in their faith, and GO into the world to make a difference in the lives of others.

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Sunday Mornings

Children’s ministry meets every Sunday morning during the 8:00am, 9:30am and 11:15am worship gatherings. Check-in is open 15 minutes before the service begins. After children are checked in, those who are 1st-5th grade will join their parents in the main worship gathering for the first half of the service and then be dismissed to their classes during the service.

*Children Kindergarten and under are in their class for the entire service, except for Christmas and Easter.



To get connected to our lessons, videos, and other resources, please join our private facebook group, OCC Kids.