OCC Students


Welcome to OCC Students!

Oviedo City Church Student Ministries is focused on providing our students with a comfortable environment to grow, sharpen their faith, and see the Gospel in their everyday lives.

We believe that it is crucial for our students to be connected with peers and adults who are pursuing Christ.  We provide opportunities for students to build stronger relationships with friends, mentors and Christ throughout the week.   

We also believe that parents are the greatest influencers in the lives of students.  We want to do everything we can to partner with, come alongside of, and equip parents to disciple their children well.

Middle School

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Sunday Mornings

Our Middle School Student programs are offered during the 9:30 and 11:15 services. Students gather in the Worship Center with their families for worship and then are dismissed to their classrooms from there for a time of games, teaching, and group discussion.

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Tuesday Evenings

Every Tuesday during the school year, middle school students are invited to attend “Trending Tuesdays” in the Middle School Room (the first classroom down the left hallway of the Main Building). At Trending Tuesday we welcome middle schoolers for a time of fellowship, games, snacks, and Bible study. Come see what topic is trending this Tuesday! 

Contact Kristen@oviedocity.church for more information.

High School

Sunday Mornings

Our High School Student programs are offered during the 9:30 and 11:15 services. Students gather in the Worship Center with their families for worship and then are dismissed to to join their peers for a teaching time in The Center (the large main room in our office building).

Sunday Evenings

We call it 412@Nite! On Sunday evenings high school students are invited to attend our WEEKLY High School hangout at The Center (the large main room in our office building).

412@Nite starts at 6:30pm and ends at 8:30pm. High schoolers gather to play games, spend time in fellowship, and dig into God's Word together. Looking to go deeper, grow, and be a part of a community? Join us for 412@Nite!

Contact Miles@oviedocity.church for more information.