Community Car Wash
During the Spring, a unit in Grade School Bible Study was about loving our neighbor as ourselves. We asked the kids "Who is your neighbor?" This sparked some conversations. We asked them what kinds of things could we do as a church to demonstrate the love of Jesus? One of our leaders thought of a car wash and asked if the kids would like to do one. They loved the idea, and many of our kiddos and their families signed up to participate.
In June, we had over 35 of our wonderful congregants sign up to help make signs, set up tents, give out free snacks/drinks, and offer prayer to anyone as well as give out information for our church. We were so thankful for everyone's willingness to give up a Saturday morning.
We served around 20 cars, and even a boat (this was the highlight of the day for the little ones)! We got to pray with a couple of people and invite them to church. It was an amazing day; the younger ones got a tangible experience that will hopefully light a spark in them for the future. We would love to make this a regular kick off to summer!